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Calendar for January 2021

I can easily say that the strangest SCI-FI year of my life has ended. Sadly I can't be very optimistic about this year either, but let's hope I'm wrong. I'd say I wish you a happy new year, but I feel more appropriate is to say GOOD LUCK.

I already made calendars for this year, because I wanted to try sometning else for a change. Every month you'll get a desktop calendar as usually, but I'll also add several journal pages you can print and use for your yournal. This is meant especially for those that don't know how to start their own journal and need some stimulation. You can remake my pages the way you feel and make them your own by adding text, collage, stickers, drawings, doodles, ephemera and anything else that comes to mind.

I really hope you'll like a new style of monthly calendars and if you did you can download the first one here.

All weekly pages for January are downloadable here. I'd be really glad if you shared in comments how they turned out when you used them. That's how they look now:

There still isn't anything new on my youtube channel but you are welcome anyway to check my older videos in case you missed them.

I wish you a great 2021 and let's hope it'll return to us what 2020 took away and hope to see you in the next one.


1 Comment

Feb 28

Aging comes with a lot of unexpected changes, and one of the biggest things I noticed was my energy levels dropping. I wanted to know if there was something I could do about it. That’s when I found The blog covers all the basics of hormone therapy, including what to expect if you’re doing it for the first time. I liked that they explain the benefits without making it seem like a miracle cure. It’s nice to have a real option instead of just accepting fatigue as normal.

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