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Calendar for December 2017

Ohhh, December is coming, the end of the year, holidays and fresh new year's resolutions. This year really flew by me in a big swoosh....

I'm really happy to announce I've made nine videos for my Youtube channel so far and I hope you will check them, maybe get some ideas for your art journal or just watch me work (in 3x speed... I love how it seems my creating process is so super fast). You can see them here.

I don't like to advertise my work, but someone's got to do it (I guess), so if you were interested in buying my artwork, you can find current pieces at my shop. There are also lots of POD pages where you can buy my artwork printed on all sorts of different products. So if you wish to buy some useful and unique gifts, here are links where to find me.

But most importantly here is a new calendar for your desktop. I hope you will like it and if you did, you can download it in HD for free on this link.

Enjoy your December, I'll see you soon.


Hoooo, december je že tukaj, z njim pa konec leta, prazniki in čisto sveže novoletne zaobljube. Meni je leto kar švignilo mimo.

Z veseljem se pohvalim, da sem na svoj Youtube kanal do zdaj naložila že devet video posnetkov. Lepo ste vabljeni, da si jih pogledate in mogoče dobite kakšne ideje za svoje ustvarjanje ali pa samo mene pogledate pri ustvarjanju (v 3x hitrosti... zelo mi je všeč občutek, da je videti, da delam tako hitro). Ogledate si jih lahko tukaj.

Malo neprijetno mi je reklamirati svoje delo, ampak nekdo mora... in ko se že bliža čas nakupov, vas moram opomniti, da lahko za kakšne zanimive in izvirne ideje pogledate tudi v mojo trgovino ali pa na različne POD strani, ki nudijo vse mogoče artikle potiskane z mojimi dizajni.

No, ampak tukaj smo, ker imam za vas novi koledar za decembrsko namizje vašega računalnika. Upam, da vam je všeč in si ga boste naložili preko te povezave.

Želim vam krasen december in se vidimo spet kmalu.

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