Calendar for June 2017
Dear friends, I'll be very short today, since I'm super tired of too many current projects in my life :D I hope to write about them all in this blog, but not today.
I made you a summer hot calendar anyway, because this is what I do: I paint and I give away things (to paraphrase Tyrion, if you know what I mean).
So you can download it on this link and enjoy the month of June. See you soon.
Dragi moji, danes bom zelo kratka, ker sem strašno utrujena zaradi preštevilnih projektov, ki jih imam trenutno v delu. Upam, da bom o vseh tudi kaj napisala v blogih, ampak danes ne.
Pripravila sem vam vroč poletni koledar, ker to je to, kar počnem: slikam in podarjam stvari (če parafraziram Tyriona, če veste kaj mislim.
Torej naložite ga na tej povezavi in uživajte v mesecu juniju. Se vidimo spet kmalu.