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Calendar for March 2017

Well, February was really short so I almost forgot to make a new calendar for you. I hope you had lovely and creative month and that you will find my calendar useful.

As always, you can see below if you like it and if you do, you can download it here. It's still free and I'm really glad that some of you are really using it.

You are also invited to check my blog and I'm sure you can find something that will interest you. Have a great March and see you soon.

calendar for march 2017, mila jovovich, spring

Februar je bil tako strašno kratek, da sem skoraj pozabila pripraviti novi koledar za marec. Upam, da je za vami prijeten in ustvarjalen februar in da boste moj koledar za marec z veseljem uporabili.

Kot vedno, si tu le pogledate ali vam je koledar všeč, naložite si ga na tej povezavi. Še vedno je brezplačen in zelo sem vesela, da ga nekateri redno uporabljate.

Seveda ste vabljeni, da pokukate na moj blog, prepričana sem, da boste našli kaj zanimivega. Želim vam krasen marec in se vidimo spet kmalu.

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