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Toni Burt's class Luminous Soul inspired me to use a photo of my sister and I as a reference. Last year we had our first sister weekend which meant the two of us went to Kras and visited some of regia's interesting places and we had a great time together. This selfie that we took at Duino Castle is a beautiful reminder of that time.


Tečaj Luminous Soul, ki ga je pripravila Toni Burt me je vzpodbudil, da sem kot referenco uporabila fotografijo na kateri sva s sestrico. Lani sva si privoščili prvi skupni vikend, kar je pomenilo, da sva šli na Kras in oblezli vsa mogoča zanimiva mesta v tem koncu sveta. Imeli sva se super in ta selfie, ki sva ga naredili na gradu Devin, je dragocen spomin.

Here is the process of my creating this mixed media painting and almost finished painting at the bottom. I wanted to catch at least some resemblance to us in a sort of sketchy and whimsical way and I think it went quite well.


Spodaj so različne faze slike v nastajanju, približno končana slika je nižje spodaj. Želela sem ujeti vsaj približno podobnost z nama, vendar na nekakšen igrivo domišljijski skiciran način.

I didn't know if I wanted to show a large age difference between us. Our father commented that one looks the way she looks now and the other like 20 years ago (that would be me), but at the end I decided that age doesn't matter and as a creator of my art I have all the freedom and can make myself young as I want, right?


Mislim, da se mi je kar posrečilo, čeprav nisem bila prepričana ali želim poudariti veliko starostno razliko med nama. Najin oče je komentiral, da je ena videti takšna kot zdaj, druga pa kot pred dvajsetimi leti (s tem je mislil mene), ampak na koncu sem se odločila, da leta niso pomembna in kot kreator lastne umetnosti imam svobodo, da se narišem kolikor mlado hočem, a ni res?


Anyway I see some more work to be done there, but it'll have to wait a little, because holidays are coming.


No, vsekakor bo s sliko še nekaj dela, ampak ker se bližajo prazniki, bo še nekoliko počakala.

Update - January 2017

I still haven't made a scan of the painting, but here you can see another photo of finished piece.


Posodobitev - Januar 2017

Slike še vedno nisem skenirala, vseeno si lahko pogledate fotografijo končnega izdelka.

sisters portrait mixed media


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