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A portrait of a friend

I'm still following Toni Burt's class Luminous Soul and this is my homework for lesson three. If you missed my last two posts, you can see more of her work on her web site.

Here is the process of my creating mixed media painting and scanned painting (hmm, I don't seem to find it, so this blog will be incomplete for a while) at the bottom of the page. As a reference photo I took an old photograph of a friend. I didn't try to follow her resemblance exactly, I just wanted to get basic features. I must say I had some problems because my background paper was distracting her facial features - a thorn paper runs exactly through the middle of her face. But anyway it was a lesson to be more careful with my background next time.

Še vedno sledim lekcijam tečaja Toni Burt z naslovom Luminous soul in to je moja domača naloga za tretjo lekcijo. Če ste spregledali moj prejšnji in predprejšnji blog, si lahko več o Toni preberete na njeni strani.

Zgoraj si lahko pogledate posamezne faze mojega ustvarjanja za tretjo lekcijo Tonijinega tečaja, spodaj pa dokončan in skeniran izdelek (ki ga v tem trenutku na računalniku ne najdem, in bo zato blog ostal nepopoln dokler ne naredim novega scana). Kot referenčno fotografijo sem vzela staro prijateljičino fotografijo. Nisem želela slediti točni podobnosti njenega obraza, ampak le osnovni obliki. Priznati moram, da sem imela kar nekaj težav pri risanju obraza, saj rob odtrganega papirja na prvem sloju poteka prav po sredini obraza. Vendar pa je tudi to lekcija za to, da bom v prihodnje bolj pozorna pri ustvarjanju podlage.

Scanned photo coming soon.

Skenirana fotografija pride kmalu.


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