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How I overcome my painting block

or A little help from my friends

I've been having this painting block for a month now and I was very sad about that. I had this wish to paint, but just couldn't start.

During that time I've tried all sorts of encouragements you can find on Youtube or on different artists' pages, but still nothing. I just felt tired and unmotivated and totally without any inspiration.

Then I noticed that one of my FB friends Toni Burt is having an on-line course called Luminous Soul. Since I really admire her art, I didn't think much, I just applied. And, halelujah, she inspired me to start again.

She's got kind of sketchy style and I love the way she creates her portraits and her way of her teaching and explaining the process. You can see more of her work on her web site.

Here you can see the process of my creating of a first lesson inspired mixed media painting and scanned painting at the bottom of the page.

Zadnji mesec sem imela resno blokado in enostavno nisem mogla slikati. Nikakor nisem mogla začeti in to me je res žalostilo.

V tem času sem skušala najti vzpodbudo s pregledovanjem posnetkov na Youtube in prebiranju izkušenj drugih umetnikov, vendar se ni nič zgodilo. Počutila sem se strahotno utrujena in nemotivirana, poleg tega pa popolnoma brez vsake inspiracije.

Potem sem opazila, da je ena od mojih FB prijateljic, Toni Burt, pripravila on-line slikarski tečaj z imenom Luminous Soul. Ker mi je njen umetniški stil zelo všeč, nisem kaj dosti razmišljala, ampak sem se prijavila v tečaj. In, aleluje, uspelo ji je, da me je spet navdušila za slikanje.

Toni ustvarja v mixed media tehniki in zelo mi je všeč, da svoje portrete izdela v napol skcirnem načinu. Prav tako mi je všeč njen način podajanja informacij in kako prikaže svoj ustvarjalni proces. Več o njej si lahko preberete na njeni strani tukaj.

Zgoraj si lahko pogledate posamezne faze mojega ustvarjanja na podlagi informacij prve lekcije Tonijinega tečaja, spodaj pa dokončan in skeniran izdelek.

I'm very happy to say that now, I can't stop painting :D

Z veseljem lahko povem, da se zdaj, ko sem spet začela, enostavno ne morem ustaviti :D


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