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Angels part 1

At the end of October I'm having my second exhibition this year and I fell in kind of work frenzy. And I love it!

I started painting angels with Olga Furman's class and that was followed by mermaids and there are some other magical creatures I wish to portrait. The obvious title to my exhibition is Magical beings and now I have a good excuse to leave everything behind and just paint and paint.

My first two angels are called Sarah and Nina. I can't tell you why, the names just came up while painting them, so they must be right for them.


V začetku oktobra bom imela otvoritev svoje druge letošnje samostojne razstave in posledično bi se lahko reklo, da sem v delovni maniji in strašansko uživam.

V času slikarskega tečaja pri Olgi Furman sem začela risati angele, nadaljevala z morskimi deklicami (in enim morskim pobom), je pa še vse polno magičnih bitij, ki bi jih želela naslikati. Razstava, ki prihaja, nosi naslov Magična bitja, najlepše pri tem pa je, da imam zdaj dober izgovor, da lahko spustim vse drugo iz rok in samo slikam.

Prvi dve sliki sem imenovala Sarah in Nina, ne vprašajte me zakaj, ker ne vem. Imeni sta pač prišli sami od sebe medtem, ko sem slikala.

Sarah and Nina in some of work stages:

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