A perfect way to use old jeans
Every time I clean my wardrobe I eventually start asking myself if it is normal to have so many clothes. At spring cleaning I counted all my trousers (80% of them are jeans) and then checked what the internet has to say about that...
Well, I found information that is supposed to be from 2010 and it says that women own 7 pairs of jeans on average (1 in 4 women owns 10 or more). I'm definitely this 1 of 4 and the number of my jeans is seriously embarrassing. The study also shows that about 30 percent of women say they refuse to go up a size to find jeans that fit, 50 percent are holding onto a pair of their jeans in hopes of squeezing into them again, and 62 percent use their jeans as a measure of whether they need to lose weight.
Since my weight goes up and down all the time, sometimes I was forced to buy larger number, but there are still jeans that I wore during my student years and waiting the day I'll be able to squeeze in (as if!).
My wardrobe is so full I don't dare to buy new clothes, so there was a high time for me to give some stuff away. Of course I like giving clothes to charity, but my jeans? No, can't do.
The easiest way is to take all my jeans to my mothers and tell her she'll make something out of them eventually. But this time I really had an idea.
I wanted to make a large bag to carry my canvases and a tablet sleeve. Mind you, I don't sew. I never did. My mom sewn together pieces of old jeans and I just had to make applications. I wanted to follow my most significant artworks I've made lately and below you can see how it turned out.
My tablet sleeve is done, for a carry bag we'll have to wait a little more :D

If you are interested in a process I can't help you much with the sewing part, since my mom did it all, but as you can imagine, she took back side of jeans and made it like a patchwork to fit the size of my tablet. She also padded it and made inner side in pink and white striped fabric.
My tablet sleeve ready to make application:

First step - application:

Second step - some kitsch flowers:

And finished it looks like that:

Thanks for reading :D