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My first exhibition in 2016

Yeeey, today I had my first solo exhibition opening under my Kras Arts brand. I called the exhibition Four Seasons after the collection that I've made recently and the whole exhibition shows my progress in the last two years.

An art exhibition opening is sort of a finishing stage of a certain period. You work, you make mistakes, you try again and sometimes you are really happy with your work and sometimes you think it's crap. But you go on, you learn, you improve.

Days before an opening are the worst. You have to choose what is good enough to go and this means you get tempted by many small improvements on artworks you can see now and you didn't see before. And you are so busy, running around, preparing things, and when you are done, comes the eternal question "what to wear". And there is more running around to buy some proper clothes. When the opening night comes, you feel exhausted and you just hope you won't fall asleep during the program and promise yourself to sleep till noon on the next day.

And there you are. Although you bought new clothes specially for the occasion, you are wearing something old, because it feels better. Your hair is a mess (as always) and your make up is irritating to your eyes.

Greeting people is nice, but interview for TV and radio means the horrifying part just started. When the program starts you feel like everybody is looking at you and you don't want that. "It's not me on display, look at my work!" you think, but you smile and hope nobody will notice that you are at the verge of a panic attack.

I guess every artist is familiar with those mixed emotions at the opening. For me it's a mixture of being proud of my work, being happy to exhibit my art and just want to run away and hide. Luckily my friends and family are sort of my safety net. It was a great feeling seeing my mom and dad proud of me and that so many of my friends came to show their support even if they weren't big fans of art.

All in all, I'm really grateful to have had this opportunity and to all visitors that came to the opening. Now my husband opened a bottle of Kraški teran and we'll celebrate with a glass of red. Cheers!

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