Four Seasons Collection
For those who didn't read my blog and just came to my page I want to introduce my new Four Seasons Collection which is the first Collection I made in 2016. It's a theme that has been used so many times you'd think it is a little worn off, but I still find it interesting and now that is done, I've done some checking on the internet and although some artists were playing with the idea to use female face and leaves as hair or crown I'm very proud to say, I haven't find any artworks quite like mine. So, copyrights secured :D
Since I've named every piece by a song and put a video into my blog, here is also (what else) Vivaldi's Four Seasons, my favorite part Summer - Storm, performed by Vanessa Mae. You can listen while reading this if you like.
Here are all four pieces of this collection: Spring Song, Summertime, Mother Earth and Ice Queen. They were also a centerpiece of my first exhibition under Kras Arts brand that was opened yesterday, on 28th of January 2016 in Novo mesto.
