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original paintings and mixed media artworks

Each artwork is signed on the front but please consider that colors may vary due different monitor calibrations.

I ship WORLDWIDE and offer FLAT RATE SHIPPING, which means you are only charged one price per order no matter how many artworks you purchase. For shipping please contact me and I will try to find best price for you. Each artwork comes packaged with care. Paper and canvas is rolled in a rigid and protective tube, streched canvas in a protective wooden frame. Unless otherwise requested, all orders are shipped within 5 business days.


All of my artworks are available as art prints. All you have to do is contact me and let me know which one you want.

Each print has vibrant colors and it will look perfect on the wall in any room, but please note that colours may vary slightly due to different monitors calibration.

Every print is available in different sizes:
                   A3 (42,00 x 29,70 cm, 16,5 x 11,7 inches) - 20 €
                   A4 (29,70 x 21,00 cm, 11,7 x 8,3 inches) - 15 €
                   A5 (21,00 x 14,80 cm, 8,3 x 5,8 inches) - 10 €

Each print is signed and numbered on the front. Prints are made using a laser colour process fine art printer and heavyweight quality paper to ensure the most vivid and rich colours, excellent image detail and long lasting prints.

And... buy any 2 art prints and get a 3rd print A5 for FREE! (Simply purchase any 2 art prints and let me know the chosen free print.)

I ship WORLDWIDE and offer FLAT RATE SHIPPING, which means you are only charged one price per order no matter how many prints you purchase. International shipping for 1-10 prints of any size is 3,50 €, for larger orders please contact me and I will try to find best price for you. Each print comes packaged with care, rolled in a rigid and protective tube. Unless otherwise requested, all orders are shipped within 5 business days.


Vsa moja dela so na voljo kot printi. Vse kar morate narediti je, da mi sporočite katerega želite.

Printi so živih barv in bodo polepšali vsak prostor, vendar vas prosim, da upoštevate, da so barve zaradi nastavitev različnih monitorjev lahko nekoliko drugačne.

Printi so na voljo v različnih velikostih:

                   A3 (42,00 x 29,70 cm) - 20 €
                   A4 (29,70 x 21,00 cm) - 15 €
                   A5 (21,00 x 14,80 cm) - 10 €

Vsak print je oštevilčen in podpisan na sprednji strani. Printi so izdelani z uporabo barvnega fine-art laserskega tiskalnika in na kvalitetnem papirju, kar jim zagotavlja žive in bogate barve, jasne detajle ter dolgo življenjsko dobo brez bledenja.

In... če kupite 2 printa dobite tretjega v velikosti A5 BREZPLAČNO! (Preprosto kupite dva printa in sporočite katerega želite prejeti brezplačno.)

Poštnina ni vključena v ceno in znaša za Slovenijo 2,50 € ne glede na velikost in težo pošiljke. Printe pošiljam skrbno pakirane v trdih zaščitnih tubah. Vse pošiljke so odpremljene najkasneje v 5 delovnih dneh, razen če se dogovorimo drugače.

products with my design / izdelki s potiskom

My artworks are also available printed on all sorts of different products in my shops on POD sites as listed with links below.


Moja dela so na voljo tudi kot dizajni na vseh mogočih izdelkih v mojih trgovinah na POD straneh, ki so s povezavami navedene spodaj.



Live Heroes


Red Bubble



commission work / slike po naročilu

I'd be glad to offer you a chance to get my painting or artwork made especially for you. You can contact me and we will discuss your basic wishes but you should be aware I need to maintain my artistic freedom while working. 


Once we have an agreement about the commission, my minimum requirement is that I receive 50% of the total price before any work will begin, this will be non-refundable because this will go to supplies and materials for your work. The remaining amount due will need to be paid in full within 30 days of project completion and before delivery including any shipping costs if the final work is to be shipped, no exceptions. 


I do ship internationally. All shipping fees will be determined before the agreement as these can becostly to international clients. All customs fees and/or taxes are the responsibility of the buyer.

I'm sure our cooperation will be successful, as were all my experiences with my clients.


Z veseljem vam ponudim tudi slike ustvarjene po naročilu posebej za vas. Lahko me kontaktirate in se dogovorimo o vaših osnovnih željah, vendar pa morate upoštevati, da želim pri delu ohraniti svojo umetniško svobodo.

Ko se dogovorimo o naročilu pričakujem nakazilo 50% cene preden pričnem z delom. Ta del cene predstavlja materialne stroške za izpeljavo naročila in ga v primeru umika naročila ne vračam. Preostanek plačila (skupaj z morebitno poštnino) se izvede z nakazilom v 30 dneh po dokončanju dela in preden je delo izročeno. 

Prepričana sem, da bo naše sodelovanje uspešno, kot je bilo z naročniki tudi dosedaj.


delo v mojem studiu - zasebni tečaj

Za posamezike organiziram tudi zasebne tečaje z delom v mojem studiu ter uporabo mojih umetniških pripomočkov. Tečaji niso namenjeni osnovam risanja in slikanja, ampak uvajanju v sproščeno ustvarjanje za začetnike, spoznavanje mixed media tehnik ter bistva in namena uporabe art journala. 

Tečaji so primerni za odrasle in otroke od 12. leta dalje. Ustvarjalno srečanje traja praviloma 2 uri, cena enega srečanja je 30 €.

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