How I overcome my painting block
or A little help from my friends I've been having this painting block for a month now and I was very sad about that. I had this wish to...

Calendar for September 2016
The year has come around. It will be my first anniversary in September that I started working as an independent artist. I'm not rich...

Calendar for July 2016
I really hope you had a wonderful June, but since it's coming to an end here is time for your new desktop wallpaper calendar. You can...

Calendar for June 2016
Well, I hope you had a wonderful month of May, full of joy and creativity. I've been busy, busy, busy :D If you wonder what I was doing,...

Calendar for April 2016
For all my dear subscribers and other visitors of this blog, a new calendar for next month. Let it be a lovely one. Cheers! :D

Why I like working on custom orders
Every artist loves their expressive freedom and don't want to be told how to make their art. If you noticed in my blog early this year...

Calendar for March 2016
Here we go again... A new calendar for upcoming month. It's made with my gelli print artwork as a background and it has vivid spring...

Homage to Rex Ray
I admired Rex Ray's work for quite a time, but only the other day I discovered he died last year and it made me really sad and thinking...

Four Seasons Collection
For those who didn't read my blog and just came to my page I want to introduce my new Four Seasons Collection which is the first...

Mother Earth
Mother Earth is the last piece of my Four Seasons Collection. It is made with same techniques as other three pieces and represents...