Inspirational Quotes - The Book of Truths
I already wrote about my last year's project in my private life (not connected to my art work) which was getting rid of everything I...

Saving Memories - The Book of Whispers
My biggest last year's project in my private life (not connected to my art work) was getting rid of everything I don't use or need...

Art journaling November & December 2017
My art journal pages from November till the end of December 2017... enyoj and you are very welcome to comment here or on my youtube...

Art journaling October 2017
My art journal pages from October 2017... enyoj and you are very welcome to comment here or on my youtube channel :D

Art journaling August & September 2017
I did tons of art journaling in August and September and I want to share my pages with you. I wanted most of them to save memories so I...

He left us 12 years ago on this day... We were heartbroken from losing Pehta a month before and I guess so was he. And obviously he...