Inspirational Quotes - The Book of Truths
I already wrote about my last year's project in my private life (not connected to my art work) which was getting rid of everything I...

Saving Memories - The Book of Whispers
My biggest last year's project in my private life (not connected to my art work) was getting rid of everything I don't use or need...

Art journaling November & December 2017
My art journal pages from November till the end of December 2017... enyoj and you are very welcome to comment here or on my youtube...

Why is abstract painting good for you
We all know (I hope) creating is a very effective way to stimulate the brain and that anyone can do it. We are all born with desire to...

Being creative is not a hobby. It is a way of life.
I'm not sure who said that, but it is definitely how I see my life. It is very important to me that I create things daily, whether that...